In a world where IT stood for I Tried…

…There arose one who would not only try, but conquer the stormy sea of tags, methods, bytes and hairy acronyms!

So that’s my manifesto.  Welcome to the inaugural post of The 99 Blue Screens Tech Blog.  To keep this simple, this blog exists to chronicle my journey through information technology.  As a recent graduate of a grad program where I slammed together Java, web development, and just about every product Adobe makes, I’m totally full of…ideas and enthusiasm.  I’ve explored web programming languages, markup languages, a few operating systems, a ton of browsers, and the writing skills to make all of that make sense to you, my reader.

Most important to this endeavor is you.  This blog exists to share what I learn with you.  In addition to my personal musings/equivocations/rants, I’ll include tutorials and tips to help you know what I know (assuming all this makes slightly more sense than Ozzy Osbourne on primetime).  Oh yeah, and I’ll throw in enough pop culture references to prove I don’t live under a rock.  So pull up a desk chair, or Scooby-Doo bean bag, and dive right in.  Be sure to comment so we can really get this flame war, I mean dialogue, started.

So, without further ado, on to the posts!

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